#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 Sean Young <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # import sys import os import math import argparse class LircdParser: def __init__(self, filename, encoding, rename): self.lineno=0 self.filename=filename self.encoding=encoding self.rename=rename def getline(self): while True: self.lineno += 1 line = "" try: line = self.fh.readline(); except IOError as e: self.error("reading file failed: {}".format(e)) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: self.error("decoding file failed: {}".format(e)) if line == "": return None line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue return line def warning(self, msg): print("{}:remote {}: warning: {}".format(self.filename, self.lineno, msg), file=sys.stderr) def error(self, msg): print("{}:remote {}: error: {}".format(self.filename, self.lineno, msg), file=sys.stderr) def parse(self): remotes = [] try: self.fh=open(self.filename, encoding=self.encoding) except IOError as e: print("{}: error: {}".format(self.filename, e), file=sys.stderr) return remotes while True: line = self.getline() if line == None: break a = line.split(maxsplit=2) if a[0] != 'begin' or a[1] != 'remote': self.warning("expected 'begin remote', got '{} {}'".format(a[0], a[1])) continue if len(a) > 2 and a[2][0] != '#': self.error("unexpected {}".format(a[2])) return None remote = self.read_remote() if remote == None: return None remotes.append(remote) return remotes def read_remote(self): remote = {} while True: line = self.getline() if line == None: self.error("unexpected end of file") return None a = line.split() if len(a) < 2: self.error("expecting at least two keywords") return None if a[0] in ['name', 'driver', 'serial_mode']: remote[a[0]] = line.split(maxsplit=2)[1] elif a[0] in ['flags']: flags = [] s=line.split(maxsplit=2)[1] for f in s.split(sep='|'): flags.append(f.strip().lower()) remote[ 'flags' ] = flags elif a[0] == 'begin': if a[1] == 'codes': codes = self.read_codes() if codes == None: return None remote['codes'] = codes elif a[1] == 'raw_codes': codes = self.read_raw_codes() if codes == None: return None remote['raw_codes'] = codes else: self.error("{} unexpected".format(a[1])) elif a[0] == 'end': return remote else: k = a.pop(0) vals = [] for v in a: if v[0] == '#': break vals.append(int(v, 0)) remote[k] = vals def read_codes(self): codes = {} while True: line = self.getline() if line == None: self.error("unexpected end of file") return None a = line.split() k = a.pop(0) if k == 'end': return codes if self.rename and not k.startswith('KEY_'): k = 'KEY_' + k.upper() for s in a: if s[0] == '#': break scancode = int(s, 0) if scancode in codes: self.warning("scancode 0x{:x} has duplicate definition {} and {}".format(scancode, codes[scancode], k)) codes[scancode] = k def read_raw_codes(self): raw_codes = [] codes = [] name = "" while True: line = self.getline() if line == None: self.error("unexpected end of file") return None a = line.split() if a[0] == 'name': codes = raw_codes_sanitise(codes) if codes: raw_codes.append({ 'keycode': name, 'raw': codes }) name = line.split(maxsplit=2)[1] if self.rename and not name.startswith('KEY_'): name = 'KEY_' + name.upper() codes = [] elif a[0] == 'end': codes = raw_codes_sanitise(codes) if codes: raw_codes.append({ 'keycode': name, 'raw': codes }) return raw_codes else: for v in a: codes.append(int(v)) def raw_codes_sanitise(codes): if len(codes) == 0: return None if len(codes) % 2 == 0: return codes[:-1] return codes def eq_margin(duration, expected, margin): if duration >= (expected - margin) and duration <= (expected + margin): return True return False def ffs(x): """Returns the index, counting from 0, of the least significant set bit in `x`. """ return (x&-x).bit_length()-1 def rev8(v): r = 0 for b in range(8): if v & (1 << (7 - b)): r |= 1 << b return r def decode_nec_scancode(s): cmdc = rev8(s) cmd = rev8(s >> 8) addc = rev8(s >> 16) add = rev8(s >> 24) if cmd == (~cmdc & 0xff): if add == (~addc & 0xff): return 'nec', (add << 8) | cmd else: return 'necx', (add << 16) | (addc << 8) | cmd else: return 'nec32', (add << 24) | (addc << 16) | (cmd << 8) | cmdc class Converter: def __init__(self, filename, remote): self.filename = filename self.remote = remote def error(self, msg): name = self.remote['name'] print("{}:remote {}: error: {}".format(self.filename, name, msg), file=sys.stderr) def warning(self, msg): name = self.remote['name'] print("{}:remote {}: warning: {}".format(self.filename, name, msg), file=sys.stderr) def convert(self): if 'driver' in self.remote: self.error("remote definition is for specific driver") return None if 'flags' not in self.remote: self.error("broken, missing flags parameter") return None flags = self.remote['flags'] if 'rc5' in flags or 'shift_enc' in flags: return self.convert_rc5() elif 'rc6' in flags: return self.convert_rc6() elif 'rcmm' in flags: return self.convert_rcmm() elif 'space_enc' in flags: return self.convert_space_enc() elif 'raw_codes' in flags: return self.convert_raw_codes() else: self.error('Cannot convert remote with flags: {}'.format('|'.join(flags))) return None def convert_space_enc(self): if 'one' not in self.remote or 'zero' not in self.remote: self.error("broken, missing parameter for 'zero' and 'one'") return None res = { 'protocol': 'pulse_distance', 'params': {}, 'scancodes': {} } res['name'] = self.remote['name'] if 'bits' not in self.remote: self.error("broken, missing 'bits' parameter") return None bits = int(self.remote['bits'][0]) if 'footer' in self.remote: self.warning("cannot deal with parameter 'footer' yet") if 'ptrail' in self.remote: res['params']['trailer_pulse'] = self.remote['ptrail'][0] if 'slead' in self.remote: self.warning("cannot deal with parameter 'slead' yet") if 'no_foot_rep' in self.remote['flags']: self.warning("cannot deal with flag 'no_foot_rep' yet") if 'repeat_header' in self.remote['flags']: self.warning("cannot deal with flag 'repeat_header' yet") if 'no_head_rep' in self.remote['flags']: res['params']['header_optional'] = 1 if 'reverse' in self.remote['flags']: res['params']['reverse'] = 1 if 'header' in self.remote and self.remote['header'][0]: res['params']['header_pulse'] = self.remote['header'][0] res['params']['header_space'] = self.remote['header'][1] if 'repeat' in self.remote and self.remote['repeat'][0]: res['params']['repeat_pulse'] = self.remote['repeat'][0] res['params']['repeat_space'] = self.remote['repeat'][1] post_data_bits = 0 if 'post_data_bits' in self.remote: post_data_bits = self.remote['post_data_bits'][0] pre_data = 0 if 'pre_data_bits' in self.remote: pre_data_bits = int(self.remote['pre_data_bits'][0]) if 'pre_data' in self.remote: pre_data = self.remote['pre_data'][0] << (bits + post_data_bits) bits += pre_data_bits if post_data_bits > 0: if 'post_data' in self.remote: pre_data |= self.remote['post_data'][0] bits += post_data_bits res['params']['bits'] = bits if eq_margin(self.remote['zero'][0], self.remote['one'][0], 100): res['params']['bit_pulse'] = int(self.remote['zero'][0]) res['params']['bit_1_space'] = int(self.remote['one'][1]) res['params']['bit_0_space'] = int(self.remote['zero'][1]) elif eq_margin(self.remote['zero'][1], self.remote['one'][1], 100): res['params']['bit_space'] = int(self.remote['zero'][1]) res['params']['bit_1_pulse'] = int(self.remote['one'][0]) res['params']['bit_0_pulse'] = int(self.remote['zero'][0]) res['protocol'] = 'pulse_length' else: self.error("unexpected combination of 'zero' and 'one'") return None # Many of these will be NEC; detect and convert if ('header_pulse' in res['params'] and 'header_space' in res['params'] and 'reverse' not in res['params'] and 'trailer_pulse' in res['params'] and 'header_optional' not in res['params'] and 'pulse_distance' == res['protocol'] and eq_margin(res['params']['header_pulse'], 9000, 1000) and eq_margin(res['params']['header_space'], 4500, 1000) and eq_margin(res['params']['bit_pulse'], 560, 300) and eq_margin(res['params']['bit_0_space'], 560, 300) and eq_margin(res['params']['bit_1_space'], 1680, 300) and eq_margin(res['params']['trailer_pulse'], 560, 300) and res['params']['bits'] == 32 and ('repeat_pulse' not in res['params'] or (eq_margin(res['params']['repeat_pulse'], 9000, 1000) and eq_margin(res['params']['repeat_space'], 2250, 1000)))): self.warning('remote looks exactly like NEC, converting') res['protocol'] = 'nec' res['params'] = {} variant = None for s in self.remote['codes']: p = (s<<post_data_bits)|pre_data v, n = decode_nec_scancode(p) if variant == None: variant = v elif v != variant: variant = "" res['scancodes'][n] = self.remote['codes'][s] if variant: res['params']['variant'] = "'" + variant + "'" elif ('header_pulse' in res['params'] and 'header_space' in res['params'] and 'reverse' not in res['params'] and 'trailer_pulse' in res['params'] and 'header_optional' not in res['params'] and 'pulse_distance' == res['protocol'] and eq_margin(res['params']['header_pulse'], 9000, 1000) and eq_margin(res['params']['header_space'], 4500, 1000) and eq_margin(res['params']['bit_pulse'], 560, 300) and eq_margin(res['params']['bit_1_space'], 560, 300) and eq_margin(res['params']['bit_0_space'], 1680, 300) and eq_margin(res['params']['trailer_pulse'], 560, 300) and res['params']['bits'] == 32 and ('repeat_pulse' not in res['params'] or (eq_margin(res['params']['repeat_pulse'], 9000, 1000) and eq_margin(res['params']['repeat_space'], 2250, 1000)))): self.warning('remote looks exactly like NEC, converting') res['protocol'] = 'nec' res['params'] = {} # bit_0_space and bit_1_space have been swapped, scancode # will need to be inverted variant = None for s in self.remote['codes']: p = (s<<post_data_bits)|pre_data v, n = decode_nec_scancode(~p) if variant == None: variant = v elif v != variant: variant = "" res['scancodes'][n] = self.remote['codes'][s] if variant: res['params']['variant'] = "'" + variant + "'" else: for s in self.remote['codes']: p = (s<<post_data_bits)|pre_data res['scancodes'][p] = self.remote['codes'][s] return res def convert_rcmm(self): res = { 'protocol': 'rc-mm', 'params': {}, 'scancodes': {} } res['name'] = self.remote['name'] if 'bits' not in self.remote: self.error("broken, missing 'bits' parameter") return None bits = int(self.remote['bits'][0]) toggle_bit = 0 if 'toggle_bit_mask' in self.remote: toggle_bit = ffs(int(self.remote['toggle_bit_mask'][0])) if 'toggle_bit' in self.remote: toggle_bit = bits - int(self.remote['toggle_bit'][0]) if 'codes' not in self.remote or len(self.remote['codes']) == 0: self.error("missing codes section") return None if 'pre_data_bits' in self.remote: pre_data_bits = int(self.remote['pre_data_bits'][0]) pre_data = int(self.remote['pre_data'][0]) << bits bits += pre_data_bits for s in self.remote['codes']: res['scancodes'][s|pre_data] = self.remote['codes'][s] else: res['scancodes'] = self.remote['codes'] res['params']['bits'] = bits res['params']['variant'] = "'rc-mm-" + str(bits) + "'" if toggle_bit > 0 and toggle_bit < bits: res['params']['toggle_bit'] = toggle_bit return res def convert_rc6(self): res = { 'protocol': 'rc-6', 'params': { }, 'scancodes': { } } res['name'] = self.remote['name'] if 'codes' not in self.remote or len(self.remote['codes']) == 0: self.error("missing codes section") return None bits = int(self.remote['bits'][0]) pre_data = 0 if 'pre_data_bits' in self.remote: pre_data_bits = int(self.remote['pre_data_bits'][0]) pre_data = int(self.remote['pre_data'][0]) << bits bits += pre_data_bits toggle_bit = 0 if 'toggle_bit_mask' in self.remote: toggle_bit = ffs(int(self.remote['toggle_bit_mask'][0])) if 'toggle_bit' in self.remote: toggle_bit = bits - int(self.remote['toggle_bit'][0]) mask = (1<<(bits-5))-1 if toggle_bit >= 0 and toggle_bit < bits: res['params']['toggle_bit'] = toggle_bit mask &= ~(1<<toggle_bit) # lircd explicitly encoded the five leading bits (start, 3 mode # bits, toggle). rc-core does not, so we need to strip the first # five bits. bits -= 5 vendor = 0 res['params']['bits'] = bits for s in self.remote['codes']: # lircd inverts all the bits (not sure why), rc-core encoding # matches d = ~(s|pre_data)&mask if bits == 32: vendor = d >> 16 res['scancodes'][d] = self.remote['codes'][s] if bits == 16: res['params']['variant'] = "'rc-6-0'" elif bits == 20: res['params']['variant'] = "'rc-6-6a-20'" elif bits == 24: res['params']['variant'] = "'rc-6-6a-24'" elif bits == 32 and vendor != 0x800f: res['params']['variant'] = "'rc-6-6a-32'" elif bits == 32 and vendor == 0x800f: res['params']['variant'] = "'rc-6-mce'" return res def convert_rc5(self): if 'one' not in self.remote or 'zero' not in self.remote: self.error("broken, missing parameter for 'zero' and 'one'") return None res = { 'protocol': 'manchester', 'params': { }, 'scancodes': { } } res['name'] = self.remote['name'] if 'header' in self.remote and self.remote['header'][0]: res['params']['header_pulse'] = self.remote['header'][0] res['params']['header_space'] = self.remote['header'][1] if 'codes' not in self.remote or len(self.remote['codes']) == 0: self.error("missing codes section") return None bits = int(self.remote['bits'][0]) pre_data = 0 if 'pre_data_bits' in self.remote: pre_data_bits = int(self.remote['pre_data_bits'][0]) pre_data = int(self.remote['pre_data'][0]) << bits bits += pre_data_bits toggle_bit = 0 if 'toggle_bit_mask' in self.remote: toggle_bit = ffs(int(self.remote['toggle_bit_mask'][0])) if 'toggle_bit' in self.remote: toggle_bit = bits - int(self.remote['toggle_bit'][0]) if 'plead' in self.remote: plead = self.remote['plead'][0] one_pulse = self.remote['one'][0] zero_pulse = self.remote['zero'][0] if eq_margin(plead, one_pulse, 200): res['params']['scancode_mask'] = 1 << bits elif not eq_margin(plead, one_pulse + zero_pulse, 200): self.error("plead has unexpected value") return None bits += 1 if toggle_bit >= 0 and toggle_bit < bits: res['params']['toggle_bit'] = toggle_bit res['params']['bits'] = bits res['params']['zero_pulse'] = int(self.remote['zero'][0]) res['params']['zero_space'] = int(self.remote['zero'][1]) res['params']['one_pulse'] = int(self.remote['one'][0]) res['params']['one_space'] = int(self.remote['one'][1]) # Many of these will be regular RC5; detect this, and convert # the scancodes to ir-rc5-decoder.c format if ('header_pulse' not in res['params'] and 'header_space' not in res['params'] and res['params']['bits'] == 14 and ('toggle_bit' in res['params'] and res['params']['toggle_bit'] == 11) and eq_margin(res['params']['one_pulse'], 888, 200) and eq_margin(res['params']['one_space'], 888, 200) and eq_margin(res['params']['zero_space'], 888, 200) and eq_margin(res['params']['zero_pulse'], 888, 200)): self.warning('remote looks exactly like regular RC-5, converting') res['params'] = {} res['protocol'] = 'rc5' newcodes = {} for s in self.remote['codes']: n = s|pre_data n = (n & 0x3f) | ((n << 2) & 0x1f00) newcodes[n] = self.remote['codes'][s] res['scancodes'] = newcodes else: for s in self.remote['codes']: res['scancodes'][s|pre_data] = self.remote['codes'][s] return res def convert_raw_codes(self): res = { 'protocol': 'raw', 'params': {}, 'raw': self.remote['raw_codes'], 'name': self.remote['name'] } return res def escapeString(s): return "'" + s.encode('unicode_escape').decode('utf-8') + "'" def writeTOMLFile(fh, remote): print('[[protocols]]', file=fh) print('name = {}'.format(escapeString(remote['name'])), file=fh) print('protocol = {}'.format(escapeString(remote['protocol'])), file=fh) for p in remote['params']: print('{} = {}'.format(p, remote['params'][p]), file=fh) if 'scancodes' in remote: print('[protocols.scancodes]', file=fh) # find the largest scancode length=1 for c in remote['scancodes']: length=max(length, c.bit_length()) # width seems to include '0x', hence the + 2 width = math.ceil(length/4) + 2 for c in remote['scancodes']: print('{:#0{width}x} = {}'.format(c, escapeString(remote['scancodes'][c]), width=width), file=fh) elif 'raw' in remote: for raw in remote['raw']: print('[[protocols.raw]]', file=fh) print('keycode = {}\nraw = \''.format(escapeString(raw['keycode'])), file=fh, end='') for i, v in enumerate(raw['raw']): if i == 0: print('+{}'.format(v), file=fh, end='') elif i % 2 == 1: print(' -{}'.format(v), file=fh, end='') else: print(' +{}'.format(v), file=fh, end='') print('\'', file=fh) return True parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Convert lircd.conf to rc-core toml format. This program atempts to convert a lircd.conf remote definition to a ir-keytable toml format. This process is not perfect, and the result might need some tweaks for it to work. Please report any issues to If you have successfully generated and tested a toml keymap, please send it to the same mailinglist so it can be include with the package.""") parser.add_argument('input', metavar='INPUT', help='lircd.conf file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='OUTPUT', help='toml output file') parser.add_argument('--encoding', default='utf-8-sig', help='Encoding of lircd.conf') parser.add_argument('--preserve-codes', const=False, default=True, dest='rename', action='store_const', help='Do not rename codes to KEY_*') args = parser.parse_args() remoteNo=1 tomls=[] remotes=LircdParser(args.input, args.encoding, args.rename).parse() if remotes == None: sys.exit(1) for remote in remotes: if 'name' not in remote: remote['name'] = 'remote_{}'.format(remoteNo) remoteNo += 1 lircRemote = Converter(args.input, remote) tomlRemote = lircRemote.convert() if tomlRemote != None: tomls.append(tomlRemote) if len(tomls) == 0: print("{}: error: no convertible remotes found".format(args.input), file=sys.stderr) else: fh=sys.stdout if args.output: try: fh = open(args.output, 'w') except IOError as e: print("{}: error: {}".format(filename, e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) for t in tomls: writeTOMLFile(fh, t)