====== Vim-editor ====== Der Editor "vim" ist bei QNAP bereits installiert, allerdings beherrscht er kein Syntax highlighting und andere gewohnte Tastatursteuerungen. Hier eine Anleitung welche abhilfe schafft. Quelle: [[https://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?t=165256]] - vim source package herunterladen \\ http://ftp.vim.org/ftp/pub/vim/unix/]] - Verzeichnis ''$HOME/local'' erstellen, Quellpakete herunterladen und entpacken mkdir $HOME/local cd ~/local wget http://ftp.vim.org/ftp/pub/vim/unix/vim-7.2.tar.bz2 bzip2 -d vim-7.2.tar.bz2 tar xf vim-7.2.tar - VIM Umgebungsvariable in ''$HOME/.profile'' oder ''$HOME/.bashrc'' setzen export VIM=$HOME/local/vim72/runtime - Da QNAP die ''termcap'' Datenbank nicht installiert hat wird vim nicht wissen wie er Farben setzen soll. \\ Daher muss noch die Datei ''$HOME/.vimrc'' für die Konfiguration von vim erstellt werden. \\ .vimrc uses " for commenting. BELOW, THE ^[ SHOULD BE ENTERED BY TYPING . IF YOU JUST COPY AND PASTE WHAT YOU "SEE" BELOW INTO A FILE, IT WONT WORK ! I.e. after t_AB= you would type [ 4 8 ; 5 ; % d m (but no spaces) I hope I am being as clear as possible. Inhalt von ''.vimrc'': " work around broken/non-existent termcap database on QNAP set t_Co=8 set t_AF=^[[38;5;%dm set t_AB=^[[48;5;%dm syntax on Weitere Infos aus der Quelle, welche ggf. noch gemacht werden können: That should do it! At this point, if you open e.g. a bash script (with #!/bin/bash she-bang at the top) then vim can identify it as bash, and can colorize it. If vim doesn't identify the file type automatically, you can do something like... CODE: SELECT ALL set ft=bash syntax on That would be for a bash file. For C code, e.g. it would be CODE: SELECT ALL set ft=c or for TCL it would be CODE: SELECT ALL set ft=tcl OK I hope that helps! I've been on this forum for 10+ years. I recently had to re-create my account. I rarely posted but received a lot of help. Hope this might be useful to someone !